A kitten nestled into people after running into their carport. She went on to help other animals like her.

Allison @ilckenzoo
Late last month, a family from Florida came across a kitten who had been abandoned on a busy road. They were able to bring her to safety and find a foster home with AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue.
When they arrived home that night, to their surprise, they spotted another kitten near their carport all alone. The kitten quickly ran off to the sound of a big truck driving by. They couldn’t see a trace of her but never stopped looking for her.
“The next day, late afternoon, I heard her again,” the finder shared with Love Meow.

Sailor the kitten was rescued from a busy roadAllison @ilckenzoo
The finder looked around her yard, trying to locate the source of the cries. When she realized that the kitten would respond to her saying “meow”, she played a video of a mother cat calling her kittens to aid her in the rescue.
“The kitten responded really well to that and kept calling back.”

Polly was found as a stray near the family’s carport@ilckenzoo
Once they were able to approximate the whereabouts, they began carefully removing some shrubbery under a tall tree. A couple of hours later, a kitten darted out of her hiding spot and landing herself in their carport.
“She did not want to be caught, but the second she was, she melted. And all she wanted was attention.”

Polly is vocal, brave, and very playfulAllison @ilckenzoo
The finder knew just the place to contact to get the kitten the care and socialization she needed to thrive. Both kittens they rescued, were found without a mother and siblings, and both needed a friend.
Allison Ilcken, a foster volunteer, welcomed both kittens into her home. Polly, the carport kitten, quickly settled in and started running around, playing to her heart’s content.

Allison @ilckenzoo
Her new roommate, Sailor, the one rescued from the road, was a bit timid and still adjusting.
Despite being the smaller one, Polly was very vocal, brave, and adventurous. Allison hoped that her “spicy personality” would help Sailor find her courage.

Polly and Sailor sharing a lapAllison @ilckenzoo
Over the next few days, Polly continued to blossom into a lively, rambunctious kitten, turning everything she touched into a toy. Sailor watched her from the sideline, getting more intrigued each day.
With Polly around, Sailor began to feel more comfortable being outside of her hiding spots. Her sassy new friend even tried to get her to wrestle by grabbing her with both paws. Slowly but surely, Sailor mustered up the courage to come out and play.

Allison @ilckenzoo
Meanwhile, Allison had a rescued dog mom and her puppies in her care. One of the pups, Belly, is very social and adores everyone.
When Belly and Polly were introduced during a play session, the pup was immediately smitten, while Polly took a minute to figure out this “strange-looking cat”.

Belly the pup met Polly, and she was instantly smittenAllison @ilckenzoo
Shortly after, the two hit it off and started romping around the room as if they had always been friends.
“This 2-pound puppy was very insistent that they become best friends immediately.”

Allison @ilckenzoo
Now, Polly has multiple play sessions throughout the day, alternating between Sailor and Belly, giving everyone a dose of her boisterous energy.

Allison @ilckenzoo
When Polly tires out, she happily joins Sailor in a cat bed for a snooze. Polly is having the time of her life in a comfortable foster home, surrounded by many foster friends.

Share this story with your friends. More on Polly, Sailor, Belly, and Allison’s fosters on Instagram @ilckenzoo.