A feral cat had been running away from rescuers and giving birth to many litters of kittens. Five years later, she was finally caught but not in a trap!

 Photo by Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

Here Kitty Kitty Rescue shares the story with Love Meow:

“Feral momma Smudge was born to a feral colony in the woods behind the caretakers home. She always remained feral and was too smart to ever get trapped and spayed. Several litters a year and five years later she finally was caught but not in a trap!!!

She have given birth to her six babies in a feral outdoor cat shelter. The caretakers did not know she had the litter until she brought two to their porch trying to move them. She left them there behind. They brought them in and began bottle feeding them knowing that there must be more out there.”

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 Photo by Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

“We were called to visit the caretakers house and decided the time had come to get the other babies and work on trapping her. Talk about timing!!!! She was in the outdoor shelter with her other four babies and she ran out when we discovered where they were. We walked away for a minute to see if she would go back in and she jumped back in. We took a carrier with the door off and placed it to the hole. She ran right in as if she knew this was her time.”

 Photo by Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

“All six babies have been reunited with their Momma and all is going well. She is so happy to be safe in a nice warm room at the rescue. She will be spayed and all of her babies will be altered before leaving the rescue.”

 Photo by Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

“Smudge who is feral and not able to be touched will be so glad to be returned to the caretakers house after nursing her babies for eight weeks.”

 Photo by Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

“Smudge and her babies were rescued just in time because the temperature is to be in the 30’s at night.”

 Photo by Here Kitty Kitty Rescue

Spaying and neutering at a young age is crucial to stop the outdoor feral cat population. Share this story!

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